Many people think that a keto diet is just eating no carbs and high fat, however, the entire diet still needs to be adequate in vitamins, minerals and fibre.
Tracking your food intake will determine your macronutrients (carbs, protein and fat) consumed as well as the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), so that any adjustments can be made to ensure your health is not compromised.
As with any diet or meal plan drinking adequate water is essential to maintain good health. Water is essential for many biochemical processes in the body along with maintain good mental acuity and athletic performance. When the weather is warmer remember to consume more fluid. The additional fluids will also aid in digestion and help relieve any constipation issues due to following a lower fibre keto diet.
A keto diet is low in carbohydrate and many carbohydrate foods are rich in fibre such as wholegrains, vegetables and fruits. Try to continue eating low carbohydrate fibrous vegetables daily such as; broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, avocados, spinach, checking for total carbohydrate content. You may even benefit from adding a good probiotic (healthy bacteria) and a prebiotic into your diet.
Many people on keto diets think they can eat lots of protein, however this is not healthy long term, as the body can only utilise a certain amount of protein daily; depending on your individual needs. General requirements for most people will be between 1.2 – 2.0 g protein/ kg body weight daily (2). Athletes and very active people may have higher requirements than less active people but there is no need to have more than your daily requirements.
Many people start a keto diet and don’t fully understand how to manage this on a daily basis, they tend to start off restricting all carbohydrate and then cannot maintain ketosis. Seek the help of a trained Dietitian or Nutritionist into how to safely follow a ketogenic diet. This diet regimen is not for everyone and it may be of no benefit for you to try. But if you are considering a lifestyle change or want to try a ketogenic diet for your health, then seek the guidance from a health professional.