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5 Top Tips on Caffeine

Caffeine - do you enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up? Do you need it?

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5 Top Tips on the Ketogenic Diet

Thinking of going Keto or following a Keto diet? Megabite offers 5 top tips to keeping you healthy when following a Keto diet.

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5 Top Tips on Intermittent Fasting

Everyone is trying Intemittent Fasting, but what is all the hype about? Does intermittent fasting really work, or should you steer clear of this dietary regimen?

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5 Top Tips on Vegan Diets

Are you wanting to try a vegan diet or are a vegan? What are a few key nutrition points for going vegan? You need to understand how to do this correctly or it could all go wrong!

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5 Top Tips on Detox Diets

What are detox diets? Why are so many people trying detox diets? What are the benefits of detox diets? Do they really work?

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5 Top Tips on Sustainable Diets

Sustainable eating and sustainable living - do you try to do your bit for the environment? How can we make a difference with how we eat and gather our food to reduce our carbon footprint?

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5 Top Tips on Coeliac Disease

Coeliac disease affects 1% of the worlds population. Many people do not realise they have coeliac disease. Learn about the common symptoms and tests to confirm if you have the disease.

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5 Top Tips on FODMAPs

FODMAPs - what are these, and where do you find them in food? Should you be avoiding FODMAPs? What is the connection between FODMAPs and Irritable Bowel Disease?

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5 Top Tips on Bulletproof coffee

Should you be drinking Bulletproof coffee, if so why? How much do you need to drink to obtain purported benefits? Is drinking Bulletproof coffee for everyone?

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5 Top Tips on the Alkaline Diet

What exactly is The Alkaline Diet? Should we try this diet for weight loss or improved physical performance? Does this way of eating really work?

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5 Top Tips on School Lunches

Back to school and back to organising school lunches. Most parents cringe at the idea of what to pack. Find out how to survive packing school lunches.

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